3dprinting videogames airbrushing painting bzpgen2
Another CCA Czar Tank from Battlezone Redux
3dprinting videogames airbrushing painting
A 3D print and paint of my Archer from Portal Knights.
A set of CCA Flankers from Battlezone Redux
A CCA Flanker from Battlezone Redux
3dmodelling 3dprinting airbrushing
Here's a bigger, more detailed 3D print and paint of the Paradum Games logo
3dprinting videogames wip bzpgen2
Some more vehicles from Battlezone Redux
An M47A9 Light Tank from Battlezone Redux
A CCA Czar Tank from Battlezone Redux
An LMA6 Minelayer from Battlezone Redux
An M60A8 Rocket Tank from Battlezone Redux
3dprinting videogames bzpgen2
A VS3E Reclamation Unit from Battlezone Redux
An M580A2 Scout from Battlezone Redux
An M173 Badger from Battlezone Redux
An M60A7 Grizzly from Battlezone Redux
3dmodelling 3dprinting videogames multivaders
A 3D print of some Captain Huxley busts
3dmodelling 3dprinting toys retro
A 3D Printed set of custom Poly Pockets
3dmodelling logo
An updated version of the classic 'Voodum' logo.