3dprinting airbrushing painting bust figurine realsteone
A print and paint of Realsteone's bust 'Crowmoder'
3dprinting videogames airbrushing painting bzpgen3
The US 'APC' unit from the Battlezone series
The US 'Thunderbolt' unit from the Battlezone series
3dprinting painting videogames 3dmodelling
Another attempt at my slipgate from the original Quake
3dprinting airbrushing painting bust figurine parasitecollectables
A print and paint of Parasite Collectables' Emberfinch.
3dprinting airbrushing painting bust nerikson figurine
A print and paint of Nerikson's sculpture 'The Traveller'
The US 'Bobcat' unit from the Battlezone series
3dmodelling 3dprinting painting videogames
A 3d model and print of a Silent Hill 2 Minifig
The US 'Tug' unit from the Battlezone series
The CCA 'Gun Tower' unit from the Battlezone series
The US 'Gun Tower' unit from the Battlezone series
The CCA 'Scavenger' unit from the Battlezone series
The 'Czar' Tank from the Battlezone series
The 'Pak' Turret from the Battlezone series
3dprinting airbrushing painting miniatures bust lunaris
A print and paint of Lunaris figures' 'Talon'
3dprinting airbrushing painting miniatures bestiarum bust
A print and paint of Bestiarum's minature 'Undead Knight'
A print and paint of Bestiarum's minature 'The Judge'
A print and paint of Bestiarum's Dread Necromancer
3dprinting videogames airbrushing painting wip bzpgen3
Entering the M580A2 Scout from Battlezone